How working in reslife is like living in the STAR TREK universe

Any Trekkie working in Residence Life must have thought about it once or twice when watching their favorite Star Trek episode: “Why does this look so familiar?”  How many times have you seen Picard pulled out of his quarters or while relaxing the holodeck to come back up to the bridge to deal with some crisis?  Have you thought about how much living in a “fishbowl” like a starship might affect Riker’s dating life? Is some of this starting to feel familiar to you own life?  The following infographic makes it clear, we Reslifers are living in the Star Trek universe!   Now where is that transporter beam when you need it!? :)

StarTrek Infographic

StarTrek Infographic

Thank you to @Kmagura, @clconzen, @oconnorboston, and @JennaMagnuski for your fabulous contributions.  I couldn’t have done it without your inspiration.  For my fellow trekkies out there, feel free to post your own ideas in the comments below!

Originally posted on the Student Affairs Women Talk Tech Blog